
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Beauty of a Different Kind: Another Reason To Blame The Innocent...

It's so easy for us as human beings to point the fingers at others.. We like having someone to blame.. And that is such an ugly thing.. Coz sometimes, the fact that the person might be innocent is overshadowed by the need to blame..

If you're living in our world today, you would've heard about the bombings in Oslo, Norway.. Such a tragedy.. One that makes me wonder about the extent humans would go to just to see others suffer?

But what angered me about the whole situation is how it was directly blamed on Muslims before we even knew the truth! During the first few days after the attack, Muslims in Norway were harassed and beaten.. Innocent people where blamed just because they were Muslim??

And now, when the murdered has been caught, a Norwegian, Christian, White Man.. We did not see people harassing Christians for  the act of one Christian man, did we? We did no throw claims that the Bible promotes evil or that it's an evil religion, did we? So why is it that when one Muslim man commits a crime, his whole race, religion and country are called Terrorists, Evil, Uncivilized?

You tell me if that's fair..

Until when are we gonna blame Muslims for all evil acts just because of the action of a group of Muslims who do not even represent Islam in the slightest way!

God gave us brains to think.. Don't fall victim of the media.. Close your eyes for one second and think logically before you blame innocent people for the acts of others.. Read! Learn! And you'll the truth about what Islam is really about and how it condemns such evilness..

Please take the time to listen to this amazingly touching poem by Suhair Hammad, a Palestinian American, expresses what I'm tryna say through poetry...

My heart goes out to all those who suffered in evil inhumane acts..
May God grant you strength and peace of mind and soul



  1. Wow I so agree. This was beautifully said. Thank you for that.

  2. Thanks for sharing that video, it was extremely moving! This is the reason I dislike generalizations. No one action and no one person can represent an entire group/nation of people. I cannot say that the images of what happened here on 9-11 didn't give me pause to question, but then I saw the pictures of the mourners all around the asia, in the middle east...everywhere. And you are brought back to humans did this to humans. It is sad evil humans have chosen to hide under thinly veiled and misinterpreted Islamic ideology so that they can bring down the Muslim peoples. Hopefully, logic will prevail.
    Very nice post, as usual.

  3. horrible how people jump to conclusions all the time. this reminds me of the vincent chin incident. tragic.

  4. Very well written! So sad that people immediately assumed that this was an attack by muslims. I HATE when people jump to conclusions without knowing the facts. Unfortunately we see it too often.

  5. totally agree with Makeup Look/Catharina. It's so sad how we see it too often. thanks for sharing the vid. xx

  6. Great post - very thoughtful. I completely agree. In my high school, we took a mandatory "World Religions" course that touched on Native American spirituality, Islam, Buddhism, Hindus, etc. It was a fantastic experience and taught me to appreciate and respect all religions. People who would rather remain ignorant and not educate themselves are the ones who fall victim to generalizations and stereotyping. I'm sorry you have to deal with that!

  7. I agree with you totally! It's not right at all. Someday I hope that the people of the world start realizing that we are all brothers and sisters.

  8. I completely agree with you 100%. In today's modern society, people have clouded judgements and strong prejudices without real cause. The media and the news influence us to believe in something, but most people take it to the extreme. It was wrong for the Muslim community to be attacked without cause.

  9. Beautifully put! I agree 100%, you really cant blame one act of cruelty on an entire race/culture/religion. Sadly some people are ignorant and basically plain foolish! x

  10. @Kacer - Thank you hun.. Appreciate that..

    @Danielle - You're absolutely right.. We forget sometimes that people are people.. Some are good some are bad regardless of culture, religion etc.. Thank for your input sweets..

    @kellyyes - ignorance is not bliss anymore..

    @Makeup Look/Catharina - You're right.. People don't tend to understand until injustice is practiced on them.. Thanks hun

    @Amy - Glad you liked it =)

    @Alex Kay - "What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger".. I think as Muslims, we have all grown from this injustice.. And having people like yourself think the way you do, only gives us hope.. Thank you hun =)

    @Tracy@Beauty Reflections - I really do hope so too =)

    @Amyboo - "strong prejudices without real cause".. Very true and too sad to seeing it happening until today..

    Adrienne - Ignorance has become no excuse anymore.. Our world is globalized and with that comes acceptance and respect of others.. It's heart breaking when you come across people that are just so close minded.. Thanks for your input sweets!

  11. I agree with you - the actions of one don't represent a group. Evil isn't confined to one race or religion - people wish it were because then it would be easy to find and root out. The difficult truth we have to face is that evil can come in any form, and we don't always know. It's not as simple as we would wish, nothing ever is.

  12. This was an amazing, very well thought out post. It's so wonderful that you took a pause to truly express how you feel. I couldn't agree with you more. The world needs to stop making generalizations and realize that nothing is black and white. We live in a gray area.

    ♥ Jessica

  13. Such an amazing post...Thanks for sharing the video!! :)


  14. @Kayleigh - You're right.. Wish people would stop and think for a second.. Thank you hun =)

    @Jessica - Yes! It's not just black and white like you said.. Things are more complicated than that coz we're all different.. Respect is crucial if we wanna achieve peace.. Thank you so much sweets!

    @calicoaster - Glad you enjoyed it =)

  15. This really is a touching post, thankyou for having the courage to post it x

  16. Eloquently and passionately written!

  17. @Lauren Rose - Thank YOU for taking the time to read it =)

    @i.r. - Thank you so much =)

  18. Great post girl! Obviously written from the heart. Just emphasises the need not to condemn the majority for the actions of a few and that we need to read between the lines. Totally wrong to tar everyone with one brush.

    Sorry I'm late. My internet has been running so slow this week and i've not been on the laptop for long enough to catch up on everyones posts! xx
