There was sooo much hype about this product that just turned me off this product big time.. I felt that it got to the point where people were just exaggerating.. But I have been looking for a powder to help keep my shine at bay and give me that velvety look.. And when I was at sephora one day, I thought I'll just try it out and see what the fuss is all about...
And then.. I find myself walkin to the counter carrying this product in my hand...
No I couldn't just walk away from this product.. The effect it had on my skin was one that no powder has done before.. It blurred my pores.. Mattified my complexion without makin it look dry or flat.. And it added no colour to my skin which is what I was lookin for..
Now I bought this before watching Wayne's video from gossmakeupartist on it which left me kicking myself for buying this product for a while as it really freaked me out.. He talked about how this powder was the reason for this happening to Nicole....
Horrible right? It looks invisible to our naked eyes.. But in flash photography this is what this powder looks like if not used sparingly..
I was turned off.. And I put that powder aside and started using others that I had lying around.. But some were too drying.. Wrong colour.. Cakey.. etc..
So one day I thought, lemme give this ago one more time.. And I fell for it all over again.. And now I shall not put this aside and I shall not be photographed while wearing this.. But I shall not repurchase either.. Yes it's a good powder, but I do want a powder that works the same AND looks good in photographs..
But for now, Ima keep using this...
And then.. I find myself walkin to the counter carrying this product in my hand...
No I couldn't just walk away from this product.. The effect it had on my skin was one that no powder has done before.. It blurred my pores.. Mattified my complexion without makin it look dry or flat.. And it added no colour to my skin which is what I was lookin for..
Now I bought this before watching Wayne's video from gossmakeupartist on it which left me kicking myself for buying this product for a while as it really freaked me out.. He talked about how this powder was the reason for this happening to Nicole....
Horrible right? It looks invisible to our naked eyes.. But in flash photography this is what this powder looks like if not used sparingly..
I was turned off.. And I put that powder aside and started using others that I had lying around.. But some were too drying.. Wrong colour.. Cakey.. etc..
So one day I thought, lemme give this ago one more time.. And I fell for it all over again.. And now I shall not put this aside and I shall not be photographed while wearing this.. But I shall not repurchase either.. Yes it's a good powder, but I do want a powder that works the same AND looks good in photographs..
But for now, Ima keep using this...
Have you guys tried this powder? What are your thoughts on it?
Have you tried taking a photograph of yourself using flash while using it? It might not look reverse-raccoon on you, I think that's just when people use too much of it!
I want to try it too, but I think I'll get the small size just in case it doesn't agree with me :)
Oh no!! Hmm.. If that is really what caused Nicole's photo... *gulps*
Maybe the way it has to be applied is different? Did you try taking photos with it on?
Yeah, its hard to find a powder that does both! Let the search continue.. haha
I like this one, but Laura Mercier has a new one that a lot of people like-I'd like to try that one some day.
I have this product too, I don't use it that much though... Don't really know why, I haven't experienced problems like this with it, luckely
Yikes! Is that what happened to Nicole?!? Oh, how glad I am I didn't buy this! I have been thinking of buying it because so many people thinks it's amazing, but I went with Benefit Powderflage instead. Thank god I did!! What's the point of a makeup product you can't be photographed in? ;)
Thank you so much for the review - very helpful! And I LOVE your blog btw! Definitely following!
I kind of like it. x hivennn
I have had this powder for about a year, and have never had a problem looking white in photographs. This only happens when you use too much!!
I love this powder and I even use it on clients who are going to be photographed. Just use with a very light hand :)
The trick with this powder is that you only need to use a TINY amount and blend, blend, blend! A tip I learned is after you have finished applying your makeup and used this powder, switch the lights off and take a photo of your face (flash on). If there are any white patches, it means you used to much - just use a clean brush and blend any excess in.
Hope this helps!
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